2001 Mardi Gras Pictures

Lake Arthur Mardi Gras, Feb 17, 2001

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That's Capitaine Bennett Scott carrying the chicken to an open area behind the Red Rose, a lounge that was the first stop for the 2001 Lake Arthur Mardi Gras Courir. Children catching the chicken are pictured below. The courir featured   a sizable contingent of horse riders, wagons, and floats.

Later that evening, Karlo Broussard, shown playing accordion, and his band Standard Time provided the music for a dance at the Lake Arthur City Park pavilion. As the other nighttime picture shows, the dance attracted people of all ages.

The other band pictured is Le Jennings Dugas Brothers (shown at the bottom of the page), the group which provided music during the courir.

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Posted 3-12-01